are-you-looking-for-a-san-diego-migraine-chiropractorIf you are searching for a San Diego migraine chiropractor, then you have probably tried the conventional treatments for this common medical condition. Even though about 39 million Americans suffer from migraines, there is still very little available in the form of preventative care. Most existing options just treat symptoms to make you more comfortable during an attack.

On the other hand, avoiding your triggers can reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines. However, many of these triggers are difficult to stay away from, and even then, this is not addressing the underlying issues that lead to migraines. 

Knowledge can give you the power to find a better way to cope with migraines. With that in mind, consider the answers to a few frequently asked questions about migraines.  

Migraines FAQ

Here are some of the most common migraine questions:

What Is the Difference Between a Migraine and a Headache?

Migraines are a neurological condition. While 85-90% of migraine attacks present with a headache, it is not always a symptom. Many of the other symptoms of migraines help to identify it. For example, migraines often present with sensory sensitivities, nausea, and perhaps even vertigo. On the other hand, headaches and migraines may share symptoms, such as neck pain, which is one of the most common symptoms of both migraines and tension headaches.  

What Are the Most Common Migraine Triggers?

Triggers are different from causes. While there are factors that lead to the onset of migraines, triggers are what cause an attack to flare up. Some of the most common triggers for migraines include:

  • Stress
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Weather changes
  • Sensory overload (bright lights, loud sounds, strong scents, etc.)

Some triggers are easier to avoid than others. Keeping a migraine journal can help you to determine the events surrounding your attacks so you can avoid those things and perhaps reduce how often your migraines occur.

What Medications Are Used to Treat Migraines? 

There are a few categories of drugs used to treat migraines. These include:


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce pain and swelling. 


This is a long-lasting vasoconstrictor. However, they are less frequently prescribed because they take longer to work than new drugs, which makes them less effective as an acute medication. 


This is a vasoconstrictor that also adjusts serotonin levels in the brain to try and stop a migraine. 

These are all considered acute migraine medications because they are used to treat symptoms when a migraine is already in progress. Several companies are also developing new medicines in an attempt to reduce the frequency of migraines. Some of the ones currently being prescribed were initially used for other conditions such as high blood pressure, depression, or seizures. 

What Different Types of Migraines Can Occur?

Migraines are broken down into different categories, usually based on symptoms. Here are a few examples of the different types of migraines. These are just a few of the many migraine types. 

Common migraine

This just means a migraine that doesn’t have aura as a symptom. Therefore, about 80% of migraines fall into this category.

Migraine with aura

The other 20% of migraines begin with aura about 20-60 minutes before the attack phase. Aura can include visual symptoms as well as problems with speech and numbness and tingling that may take place in the face, torso, and hands. Patients who get this type of migraine seem to be more susceptible to depression and are at higher risk for suicide. 

Silent migraines

This means that there is no headache. Other symptoms, however, can make silent migraines just as debilitating. 10-15% of migraines may be silent migraines.

Vestibular migraines

This means one or more vestibular symptom presents, such as vertigo. Up to 40% of migraines may be vestibular migraines. 

Chronic migraines

This refers to patients who experience 15 or more migraine days per month. 

Ocular migraines

Also called retinal migraines, this condition can cause the patient temporarily to lose vision in one eye during the attack. However, sudden loss of vision can also be a symptom of other more dangerous conditions, so you should see a doctor to rule out other problems. 

Hemipelagic migraines

These migraines have many stroke-like symptoms, including the weakness on one side of the body and difficulty speaking. However, the symptoms come on very gradually, unlike a stroke, which will strike suddenly. 

Find Your San Diego Migraine Chiropractor 

Since migraines and neck pain go hand in hand, it makes sense that a chiropractor may be able to help. At Family First Chiropractic, we use orthospinology, a form of upper cervical chiropractic. This specifically targets the top two bones in the neck to provide the maximum benefits for your central nervous system. That is why many people choose us as their San Diego migraine chiropractor.

Read our reviews and testimonials page to hear encouraging stories from patients who have been able to break away from migraines and other debilitating health problems with the assistance of this safe and gentle therapy. We look forward to helping your family experience the benefits of a properly aligned atlas and axis. 

To learn more about how upper cervical chiropractic care may be able to help with migraines and other health conditions, give us a call today at 858-279-1012. You may find that your no-obligation consultation is the first step toward better overall health and well-being.